Veribest, TX Homeless Shelters

Veribest, Texas
Veribest, Texas

Veribest, Texas Homeless Shelters and Services

Welcome to our Veribest, Texas Homeless Shelters and Services for the needy page. Below are all of the homeless shelters and services for the needy that provide help to those in need for Veribest, TX and surrounding cities.

We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources and services that help the needy.

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There are no listing located within the Veribest city limits.

2 Homeless Shelter Listings near Veribest

Community Mission of Colorado City

Community Mission of Colorado City

Colorado City, TX 72.02 miles outside Veribest, Texas

Provides temporary lodging at local motel for transients, persons released from jail, or exceptional county resident need. Usually provide assistance for 2 nights depending on individual situation. [...]

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Added Apr 14, 2020
Salvation Army Abilene Homeless Shelter

Salvation Army Abilene Homeless Shelter

Abilene, TX 72.79 miles outside Veribest, Texas

Provides a clean bed, meals, and an opportunity for showers in a dorm setting.Walk In's only.Check-in begins at 4:30 pm Fees after 5 nights. $8.0 [...]

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Added Apr 14, 2020


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