Kansas City Community Kitchen
750 Paseo Blvd
Kansas City, MO - 64106
We serve balanced, nutritious meals for lunch every weekday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and ALL are welcome to eat.
We call ourselves a "Community Kitchen" rather than a soup kitchen because we believe food is the basic human right and great equalizer - everyone needs to eat, and we all do better when we eat better. We encourage anyone to come eat with us, get a quality meal for free and see who you meet in the process. Volunteers serve as hosts and wait staff to make this a restaurant style experience, offering all of our guests a bit of dignity and the power of choice.
Kansas City Community Kitchen has been serving the hungry of downtown Kansas City since 1989. We began as a ministry of Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral (Episcopal Church) but grew and came under the leadership of Episcopal Community Services while still housed at the cathedral. In 2010 the kitchen moved to its current home in the lower level of the Downtown Community Services Center at 8th/Paseo.

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