New Orleans Mission
1130 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd
New Orleans, LA - 70113
(504) 638-5434
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Fax Number (504) 529-3094
We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Men's Discipleship
The Mens Discipleship Program is designed to holistically meet the mental, physical, social, and spiritual needs of the participants. The holistic approach of our structured year-long Mens Discipleship Program promotes a strong mind, body, soul connection that helps to balance all aspects of a persons life. At risk youth 18-24 and all ages of men suffering from abuse or addiction enroll in our programs and learn how to champion everyday life choices and take charge of their health and well-being. Disciples have mentors who walk alongside them, empowering them to face their fears, surrender, and trust Gods spirit within us to guide their actions.
Our weekly bible studies, chapel services, small groups, one-on-one time, and phase classes are helping men experience the unconditional love and forgiveness of our Lord, Jesus Christ, which ultimately leads to a healed heart over the twelve months of the program. Personal experience has taught us that until a person experiences a healed heart, permanent recovery is not possible; therefore, based on results, becoming a disciple is the first step to a life-altering transformation and the beginning to the end of their cycle of deadly behavior.
Womens Discipleship:
The percentage of addicted, abused, human trafficked, and homeless women in New Orleans has increased dramatically over the years. The New Orleans Mission is vigorously addressing the crisis to make a positive impact in our region.
The Womens Discipleship program offers hurting women that are suffering from abuse or addiction, a safe drug and alcohol-free environment where they can focus on their recovery.
While enrolled in our program, we love, encourage, and minister to the ladies as they begin to regain their health and well-being. A good mind-set ultimately leads to forgiveness and a healed heart. Hope is instilled daily as we provide a source of dignity and purpose for every lady in our program. These women are successfully rebuilding the tattered remnants of their self-worth and are becoming able to fulfill Gods purpose for their life.
Our main womens recovery facility is the Lynhaven Retreat. The Lynhaven is beautiful 18-acre property in Hammond, LA where these hurting women can get out of the distractions of the city and focus on their healing and recovery. We require no insurance or fees for enrollment. The program is completely free to anyone that seeks our support. If you or someone you love needs help, please contact us today.
Desperate Reality-Facing the Truth-Americas only live street rescue program: Our live radio rescue show, Desperate Reality-Facing the Truth, was launched in June of 2016 and is still ministering to the homeless in the streets of our city. The show is hosted by Johnny Lonardo, our COO and Director of Discipleship, who ministers to hurting people over the phone and sends Ministry Outreach teams into the streets of the city to talk to the homeless in their painful circumstances, pray for their safety and for Gods healing. The show airs Saturday nights from 10pm to midnight and provides awareness of the work being done at the Mission to listeners and to the homeless men and women met by our Outreach teams. Several people came to the Mission because of the show and joined the Discipleship program.
Ex-Offender Reentry
The New Orleans court systems as well as the courts on the North Shore offer many non-violent and first offenders the opportunity of joining our Discipleship Program in lieu of going to jail; over 50 ex-offenders are enrolled in our program monthly and receiving multi-pronged legal, medical, literary tutoring, spiritual enlightenment, and vocational training. We also provide prison ministry regularly at local prisons.
In 2018, we experience a 20% rise in Drug Court offenders that were mandated to our Discipleship program for group and one-on-one time, Bible classes, and weekly drug screens instead of typical court appointed programs. Many studies have indicated that re-entry initiatives, like ours at the New Orleans Mission, that combine work training with counseling and housing assistance, can greatly reduce recidivism.
The Department of Justices Bureau of Justice Statistics has estimated that nearly 75% of all released prisoners will be rearrested within five years of their release and about 6 in 10 will be reconvicted.
The recidivism rate of re-entry Graduates of our Discipleship program is only 15%, significantly lower than the national average.
Fines and registration fees for sex offenders have been converted to community service for Disciples of re-entry; to date $130,000 in fees has been converted.
Our Re-entry Coordinator maintains a calendar of court dates and ensures transportation to and from court; he accompanies Disciple and speaks to judges on their behalf.
We assist in execution of Child Protective Services and D.C.F.S case plans
The cost for tax payers to house one offender is $36,639.00 per person per year; our program is saving the parish thousands of dollars housing ex-offenders through our Re-entry program.

Dec 9, 2019ReplyDuncan
Feb 14, 2021ReplyAn
Feb 16, 2021ReplyJo
Feb 6, 2021ReplyLong
Feb 25, 2021Reply