Community Christian Concern
2515 Carey St.
Slidell, LA - 70458
CCC helps those individuals with true needs urgent problems requiring immediate, short-term solutions. Trained counselors discuss a request for assistance with each client and make an assessment of need. Emergency assistance can take the form of: food, clothing, shelter, prescription assistance, emergency travel, and personal items. We also serve the homeless population in the best attempts to help them in meeting their basic needs.
Counselors may also provide services such as referrals, linkage and advocacy for clients as needed to other agencies and providers. We provide Christian counseling and encourage clients to find a church home.
Emergency Basic needs such as:
Food and Clothing
Prescription assistance
Household Items
Emergency travel assistance
Homelessness Assistance
Other services include:
Referral, Linkage and Advocacy to Community Resources
Budget/financial counseling
Spiritual, guidance counseling
Food Pantry:
The Community Christian Concern provides eligible individuals and families with two weeks of food every three months.
Single parent households are eligible for additional assistance.
How to get food:
Make an appointment with one of our counselors
Bring a photo ID
Proof of Address (The Pantry serves Slidell, Alton & Pearl River)
Verification of Income (Must meet USDA income guidelines)

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