Last updated Apr 27, 2023 0 Comments 0

Kinard Manor of Lutheran Family

We are a ten bed transitional housing facility for male veterans. No direct intakes allowed. All veterans are placed with us through the VA under the Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program. Contact us or any VA hospital or clinic for more information about the program. All support for the veteran is free until they find employment.More Information: Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas operates Kinard Manor inpartnership with the Department of Veteran Affairs. Kinard Manor openedits doors in November 2007. Since that time we've served 38 veteransand have had 11 program graduates. Our program provides shelter, food,life skills training, and job hunting, all geared towards reintegratingthe veteran back into the community. Veterans are placed in KinardManor by the VA. We are not allowed to do a direct (walk-in)intake,although we can provide transportation to the VA hospital for thepurpose of getting enrolled in the VA's Health Care for Homeless Veteranprogram. The VA has program requirements: The veteran must behomeless. Also, the veteran must be documented as having (or have had)an addiction problem or mental problem. Once in the program, allmedical needs for the veteran are handled by the VA. Although theaverage stay at Kinard Manor has been six months, the HCHV program doesallow exceptions for up to two years.

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Shelters near Kinard Manor of Lutheran Family

Greenwood Pathway House

Last Updated Ago Added Oct 3, 2018

Greenwood, SC, 29646

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  1. 1 week

    Answer posted on May 26, 2024 0

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