People's Emergency Center For Women And Children
3902 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA - 19104
Shelter for women and children.
All of our residents come to us through the referral process of the City of Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services.
PEC emergency and transitional housing offers families and youth a safe, secure place to live while searching for permanent or permanent supportive housing. All households receive assessments, case management, and access to on-site counseling, employment services and other programs. PEC manages its own permanent housing, including both affordable and supportive housing rentals. We are also dedicated to building mixed income rentals and homeownership projects as part of our neighborhood's strategic plan.
The Households We Serve
Families and youth experiencing homelessness turn to PEC in order to secure housing and the income and resources to support it. Often they have experienced ongoing trauma throughout their lives - child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, community violence, and the cycle of inter-generational poverty. They lack stability in housing, education and social connections, as well as basic necessities. They may also come to us with recent trauma, legal issues, security complications and medical issues in addition to housing instability and financial insecurity.
People's Emergency Center (PEC) is located in West Philadelphia. PEC's mission is to nurture families, strengthen neighborhoods and drive change. For families, children, and youth experiencing homelessness, PEC offers more than 235 affordable housing units, job training, parenting and early childhood education, financial education and planning, life skills and technology classes. PEC seeks to change the life trajectory for the families who seek its services and inspire them to achieve housing security and financial stability.

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