St. Vincent's Center
500 East Fourth Street
Reno, NV - 89512
More than 3,600 people benefit monthly from the Emergency Assistance Program, which provides assistance for individuals and families in emergency situations caused by loss of job, family crisis, illness, or other personal situations.
Services include clothing, bus and prescription vouchers; limited rental assistance; short-term family housing; baby supplies; work permits; phone calls; toiletries; and referral to other local service agencies for specialized or additional assistance. No fees are charged for these services.
Crossroads program
The Crossroads Program is a collaboration between Washoe County Social Services (WCSS) and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada that began in January of 2011. The program provides a supportive living arrangement for men and women transitioning out of homelessness. Clients in the program are given a safe and caring environment to live in, along with wrap-around social services including drug and alcohol counseling, employment support, volunteer/work opportunities, and other tools to help them establish a new, more productive path in life.
The goal of Crossroads is to prevent relapses into homelessness and substance abuse, and to reduce public costs associated with jail, hospital and other emergency services. The program has shown tremendous success with many community partners, and Washoe County estimates that Crossroads is saving the community about $4 million per year.
Average length of stay at Crossroads - 102 days
96% of residents volunteer in the community
25% of residents have been reunited with their families
100% of program participants are clean, sober and working toward their personal goals
Clients at Crossroads are wrapped in social services as they continue their regular treatment programs. They are surrounded by a live-in network which will aim to help them establish healthy relationships, a sense of community, and improved life and social skills. We believe Crossroads is a benchmark program that has the potential for expansion and replication both locally and statewide.
There are three Crossroads locations in Reno:
Crossroads Main Campus
395 Gould Street
Reno, NV 89512
(775) 322-2143
The Park House
1815 &1835 Montello Street
Reno, NV 89512
(775) 284-8387
The River House
480 Galetti Way
Bldgs. 14 and 15
Sparks, NV 89431
(775) 785-4006

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