Open Door Mission
2828 North 23rd Street East
Omaha, NE - 68119
Emergency Shelter Open 24 Hours a Day
Seeking Emergency Shelter, please call us at: 402-422-1111
Lydia House / Women & Families
Emergency and transitional services for single women & families in need of assistance. Food, shelter, clothing, and other basic needs are provided. Case managers guide women & families through opportunities for life change the first steps toward preventing future homelessness. Special services provided for children, domestic violence, and family reunification.
Call (402) 829-1531 for shelter availability. Ask for staff on duty.
Applications for the Lydia House are also accepted at 1:00 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday, except holidays and Omaha Public School weather closure days.
2809 N 20th St E
Omaha, NE 68110
Garland Thompson Men's Center
Provides emergency services for men in need of immediate assistance. Food, shelter, clothing and other basic needs are provided and each man is offered an opportunity for life change through resource case management, which provides the first steps toward preventing future homelessness. Special services provided for Veterans.
Walk-ins accepted
2705 N 20th St E
Omaha, NE 68110
(402) 829-1500 ext. 2100
Life-Changing Programs
New Life Recovery Program
Bible-based 12-step residential program committed to providing men, women, and families with the tools needed to become self-sufficient community members.
Journey to Work Program
Residential Work program focused on personal development, money management, job training, and educational skills.
Rental Housing
Permanent Supportive Apartments
Waitlist available for families and single women. Two and three bedroom apartment rentals for women and families desiring to live independently in an affordable, stable, supportive, sober-living community.
Single Room Occupancy Rentals
Waitlist available for single men & male Veterans. Independent-affordable-long term rentals located in a stable, supportive, sober-living community focused on the needs of single men and Veterans.
Free Hot, Nutritious Meals for the Hungry and Homeless Prevention Programs for the Poor and Needy
Hot Lunch
11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
Hot Dinner
6:15 7:00 p.m.Garland Thompson Men's Center
2705 N 20th St E
Omaha, NE 68110
Furniture & Appliance Assistance
(402) 829-1560
Call for instructions and available items.
Only at the
Timberlake Outreach Center
2107 E Locust St
Omaha, NE 68110
Homeless Prevention Programs
(402) 829-1510
Free clothing, shoes, toys, household items, diapers and food pantries. Some USDA foods are used in food pantries. (USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.) Resources are provided once every 30 days throughout all four Outreach Centers.To receive assistance, bring a current ID and proof of address.

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