Shelter KC
1520 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO - 64108
Kansas City Rescue Mission offers its services at no charge (with very rare exceptions) to homeless individuals. Its services and programs are available to any individual, 18 or older, regardless of race, religion, gender, lifestyle or creed.
Kansas City Rescue Mission 1520 Cherry Street Kansas City, MO 64108Men's Center/Administration Phone: (816) 421-7643 Fax: (816) 421-0405Women's Center Phone: (816) 348-3287 Fax: (636) 431-3382
Men's Ministry Services
Emergency shelter and showers
Balanced daily meals
Healthcare and recuperative care
Clean clothing and laundry service
Chaplaincy, Bible study and support groups
Case management and referrals
Recovery Services
Christian Community of Recovery (C-COR): A six-month residential recovery program offering Bible-based life skills classes, GED preparation, adult high school, and addiction recovery through one-on-one counseling, support groups and Bible study.
Residents meet with their counselors weekly to complete a list of agreed-upon objectives and requirements before graduation.
Reentry Services
Graduates of C-COR may enter KCRMs Transitional Living Program and stay for up to two years while completing schooling, seeking jobs, building careers and saving toward permanent housing. Graduates applying for disability may stay in the Transitional Living Program while working with a KCRM case manager to obtain benefits and find appropriate permanent housing.
Transitional Living Program residents continue to meet with their counselors, have access to onsite adult education, are active in their churches and abide by C-COR rules as residents in this program.

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