Harvest House Inc
1224 Rural Street
Boonville, MO - 65233
Homeless shelter with mission "to feed, shelter and educate people for success".
Harvest House Programs
The programs available to clients of the Harvest House include the following:
1. 3 Day Temporary Emergency Shelter - If you are homeless and need a warm and clean place to stay, Harvest House is available for you and your children. We are here to help "pick up the pieces" in your situation. After this 3-day period, you will be asked to enroll in one of our other programs or leave.
2. 30 Day Emergency Shelter Work Program - Residents enrolled in this program are required to complete job applications and make application for public assistance. We have Internet-connected computers to assist in making on-line applications and offer employment counseling on an as-needed basis.
3. 120 Day Transition Shelter Program - Residents enrolled in this program must have a job or have another source of income such as social security or disability. Each person enrolled in this program must participate in our Savings Program, where 65% of their wages are given to the Harvest House for safe keeping. At the end of the 120 days, 80% of these savings will be returned to the resident to be used for a deposit toward a rental apartment or house, or a down payment toward the purchase of a home. The remaining portion will be donated to Harvest House to help pay for the utilities used while clients have been participating in the Program. The Boonslick Heartland YMCA generously offers free access to its facilities to those clients who are enrolled in this program.
We do not discriminate anyone with regard to handicap, color, age, gender, race, religion, sexual preference or national origin.

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