Good Samaritan Clinic
34 Sims Cir
Waynesville, MO - 65583
Good Samaritan Resource Center of Pulaski County Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It operates thrift stores, food pantries, and a domestic vionlence shelter.
Families must be residents of Pulaski County in order to receive a food basket from our pantry. The following items are required:
Proof of residency
Social security cards for every one in the household
A Picture I.D.
Waynesville - Monday, Wednesday-Friday 9-5
Genesis Women's Domestic Violence Shelter
At Genesis, we not only shelter survivors, but we also equip them to begin new lives free from further victimization. Our services are designed to address all of the complicating factors that keep battered women trapped in abusive relationships. The director, shelter manager, shelter relief advocates, and volunteers work to make positive changes in their lives.

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