Last updated Jun 13, 2024 8 Comments 0.166667

Woods Mullen Women Shelter and Services

794 Massachusetts Ave
Boston, MA - 02118

Woods-Mullen Women Shelter serves female adults ages 18 years or older.

The shelter has 200 beds and is open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Beds are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.

In the winter months, additional overflow beds are available.

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Shelters near Woods Mullen Women Shelter and Services

Shelter at 112 Southampton Street - Boston Public Health Commission

Last Updated Ago Added Mar 12, 2019

Boston, MA, 02218

Southampton Street Shelter for Adult Males Aged 18 Years or Older

Last Updated Ago Added Jun 13, 2024

Boston, MA, 02118

Rosie's Place For Women

Last Updated Ago Added Dec 14, 2017

Roxbury, MA, 02118

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If you have stayed in this shelter, how was your stay?

User Answers

  1. Great

    Answer posted on Oct 30, 2020 0
  2. At the begining when me and my friend start staying in here they got us 3 days without taking a shower , we went to BMC hospital to complaint and when we got back to the shelter one of the staff Wich is a women start telling at us because we complaint come on we we're 3 days without taking a shower what kind of human do things like this , that's cruel and not fair they should treat people better .

    Answer posted on Jan 24, 2021 0
  3. Simply said, It was a hell hole, the physical facility and the actions of the staff combine to make this location an extremely high threat to all lives within the shelter and the neighborhood

    Answer posted on Sep 1, 2021 0

Is this a safe shelter to stay in?

User Answers

  1. My stay was great except for the fact other women in the shelter didn't take shower and had no home training. The staff was decent except for a few of them.

    Answer posted on Dec 11, 2021 0

Do they accept pets at this shelter?

User Answers

  1. Only service animals.

    Answer posted on Feb 2, 2022 0

Do you have any advice for those wanting to stay at this shelter?

User Answers

  1. It will satisfy most of your basic needs, try to ignore all else.

    Answer posted on Apr 30, 2022 0

How long can you stay here?

User Answers

  1. As long as necessary. Get a job and you are out !

    Answer posted on Apr 30, 2022 0


  1. Neil
    May 17, 2020Reply
    Best run shelter I ever stayed during my 2 yrs homeless. Its a great model for what to so, policies that adjust to circumstances,rules fairly fixed and well thought out policies.
  2. Asa
    May 12, 2019Reply
    Sucks! Staff and guest gang up to bug you out. And no one did nothing. Then they go Jajaja. Cousin this auntie that.
  3. Cole
    Jul 13, 2019Reply
    Hello, I want to submit a complaint about the African American supervisor that just started working, on the second floor, at the shelter. She came into the lobby area, where everyone else was speaking aloud, listening to music, etc. where no rules were posted about talking on the telephone, and she just spoke to me in a very condenscending, disrespectful, manner. She came in and said, as if I was a child, in a nasty, horrible, tone, "you are not supposed to be on the phone" I stated, "Ok maam, I am getting off. You have a good night". She said, "No you have a good night", in a nasty manner", "And if I have to tell you again, you are going to be in trouble", I said, "Maam, I am taping you because you don't have to talk to me like that", "Have a good night" She then demanded that I proceed downstairs. That lady is not my mama and she has a nasty attitude. I am surprised that you still have funding from your benefactors with staff that treat people like that. Two other women commented on her nasty demeanor and comments before the night was over. One stated that the way that spoke to her, compelled her to never want to sleep on that floor. That is ridiculous. Can we get some respect, from your staff, especially when we are doing nothing to these people? What is the rationale behind seeking up out and harassing us? I don't want to talk to them. Why should I have to talk to them, when I have done nothing to them? Do we look like we want to speak to them? Do we? We don't. We are in horrible positions and I don't want to interact with anyone like that right now. All I want to see is people who know how to treat people right now, unless they are children. Please stop your staff from running halfway across the building to harass people who are not doing anything to them, or, anyone.
  4. Zee
    Jan 7, 2020Reply
    This place is one of the most depressing you will ever see, like something out of a Charles Dickens novel.
  5. Kash
    Feb 24, 2020Reply
    This is one of the best shelters in all of Boston! They have wonderful food, they've got a lot of good resources, they've got a good building and the beds are always really comfortable.
  6. Mi
    Apr 9, 2020Reply
    I've been at Woods Mullen for two years. The staff treat you like your in jail. I've had some rough times in my life and I've nrver done a drug in my life.i am suicidal and the staff think they are god. They have pushed me to try to kill myself more than once and I'm ready to take every pill i can by. It's coming again thank
  7. Jaclyn
    Apr 14, 2021Reply
    I'm still be real blatantly despite the fact it is a shelter and it does provide a roof over your head doesn't mean that it's safe. Going in the staff is condescending rude and act like you should know what the protocol is the moment you walked through the door considering it may just be your first day being homeless you're automatically judged to be as something less of a citizen that deserves any kind of Rights they treat me like s*** at night time you're lucky if you don't keep one eye open that you're going to get stabbed or robbed there's no safety net to go back to if you tell the staff you're only considered a snitch and then they sit there and look the other way while ago Anything Goes Down I had one woman trying to sneak up on me so she gets stabbed me the only reason why I knew that she was coming at me with because my bottom bunk neighbor kick the bunk a few times before I fell asleep only for me to check my left side that there she was sneaking up the cameras mean nothing. Do the downstairs bathroom when they don't put toilet paper purposely in the bathroom but you're not allowed to go to the dorms so if you need to go to the bathroom and you don't move fast enough they come and they bust the door door in the middle you taking a s*** your pants are down try to figure out what the hell you're going to wipe yourself with I feel like an animal
  8. Kathy
    Sep 21, 2021Reply
    This shelter can have their bathroom more clean some of the stuff are ok

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