141 Franklin St
Stamford, CT - 06901
NOTE: We are part of a coordinated access network in the state of CT, so the only way to actually get into the shelter system here is to call 211
We are one of the largest providers of homeless services in CT.
We serve single women, families, people with mental illness, and persons living with HIV/AIDS, working across the spectrum of people who are homeless rather than just one segment. We address not just the physical part of homelessness, but all the reasons a person becomes homeless.
Our residential services cover the spectrum of housing: emergency shelters; transitional housing; permanent supportive housing; deeply affordable housing; and, rapid rehousing.
Our Housing Placement program is a unique combination of real estate professional and social services provider.
Experienced professionals help clients navigate every step of the process to secure permanent housing including: identifying, locating, and inspecting housing; reviewing contracts/leases; and, moving in. They also help clients take that final emotional step to moving out on their own again.

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