Good News Rescue Mission
2842 S. Market Street
Redding, CA - 96001
(530) 242-5920
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Fax Number (530) 242-5924
The Good News Rescue Mission is Shasta County's only homeless shelter and the only AGRM shelter in the Sacramento Valley north of Oroville and south of Medford/Klamath Falls. We serve an immensely rural geographic area and a huge population of people in need. Our shelter provides guests with up to 30 days emergency shelter and extended stays where necessary or in situations where steps to self improvement are undertaken such as job search or money savings programs. Including all facilities, in recent years we have averaged nearly 200 guests per night. Your gifts allow us to truly offer a hand up to people in desperate need.
Emergency Shelter
We offer shelter to anybody in need, and accept people 24- hours a day, 7-days a week. Our guests have access to sleeping and bathing facilities for both men and women, and accommodations are provided to their children accordingly. Also available to our guests are pajamas, bedding and toiletries to those who are utilizing our emergency shelter, as well as fresh daily clothing for those in need.
Long Term Shelter
Once here, our guests do an intake interview where their needs are assessed and a plan is established to obtain long term housing. If an individual does not have a source of income, we develop a plan together to get them stable income. This is usually where they have the option of our Work Search Program, but can also mean a referral to the Veterans Resource Center, the Social Security Office, Employment Development Department, or Cal-Works if they have children. Once an income is acquired that is able to sustain them once they leave here, our guests have the opportunity to be a part of our money savings program. They are able to save money for a few months while receiving shelter at the Mission to build up their savings for a security deposit and necessary housing expenses.
The Mission also provides long term shelter for men and women who are enrolled in our long term recovery program. Our students live on site for 13 months during the first four phases of their individualized program.
Transitional Housing
We have many agencies that we refer our guests to, including multiple transitional housing facilities to meet various needs. There are sober-living facilities, board and care facilities, mental-health specialty facilities, and gender specific housing available.
In addition, the Mission offers transitional housing for our students who are enrolled in the long term recovery program. Housing is available for the students during their fifth and final phase for up to 5 months and is located off site.

1 Comment
Nov 2, 2019Reply