Housing First The Homeless Coalition
273 Azalea Rd, Bldg 3, Suite 110
Mobile, AL - 36607
Community Housing Program
The Community Housing Program provides Permanent Supportive Housing to individuals and families in Mobile and Baldwin counties who are experiencing homelessness and who have a disabling condition. This program assists participants in transitioning from homelessness to being housed, encourages clients to become self-sufficient, and gives them the tools to live as independently as possible.
The program has three basic goals as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
1. To help program participants obtain and remain in permanent housing.
2. To help participants increase skills and/or income in order to allow them to secure an income and live as independently as possible.
3. To help participants achieve a greater level of self-determination and gain the needed confidence to make the transition out of homelessness.
Supportive services provided to participants include, but are not limited to:
Case management using Critical Time Intervention Model (CTI), including assessment of needs
Referrals and assistance with coordinating substance abuse, psychiatric, and healthcare services.
Job training/placement
Life skills
Brief counseling and crisis intervention
Housing search assistance
The Community Housing Program is a "Scattered Site" program. Scattered Site programs lease individual apartment units in the community so they can places individuals or family participants into these units and charge them a small monthly rental fee based upon their income.

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